Vajrayogini and Vajrapani Program at Tsechen Kunchab Ling

Vajrayogini Naro Kachod

Venerable Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen is delighted to announce that His Holiness the Sakya Trichen has consented to bestow an exciting series of profound Dharma teachings at Tsechen Kunchab Ling in June, 2019. His Holiness the Sakya Trichen will be assisted by His Holiness the Sakya Trizin, who will give the afternoon meditation training. All teachings will be simultaneously translated into Mandarin.

His Holiness will open the Door of Dharma on June 5-6 with two days of teachings on the preliminary practices.

Following the preliminary teachings, from June 7-9, His Holiness the Sakya Trichen will bestow the Vajrapani empowerment and instructions on how to practice the sadhana.

From June 10 through 25, His Holiness the Sakya Trichen will bestow the two-day Chakrasamvara major empowerment, Vajrayogini blessing, and instructions on the Eleven Yogas of Naropa. His Holiness the Sakya Trizin will bestow the afternoon meditation training.

For those interested in doing either a Vajrapani or Vajrayogini retreat, an optional two-day retreat instruction session will be offered on June 26-28, followed by the opportunity to undertake either the one-month Vajrapani basic retreat, or the three-month Vajrayogini basic retreat in retreat cabins at the temple.

During your retreat, we will assist you with answers to questions about practice and supplies. At the end, we will help you perform the concluding fire puja.

We hope you will be able to make the journey to Tsechen Kunchab Ling to receive these profound teachings from His Holiness Sakya Trichen and His Holiness the Sakya Trizin.

Key Information

Package of All Teachings and Initiations
June 5 – 25 (excluding retreat training)
Cost: $700

Tuition includes a free vegetarian lunch each day and free parking.

Date Program Tuition
June 4 Arrival & Check-in / Welcome Reception Free of charge
June 5 – 6 Preliminary Practices Teaching No tuition – free of charge
June 7 – 9 Vajrapani initiation and sadhana instruction $100
June 10 – 11 Chakrasamvara empowerment $200
June 12 – 14 Vajrayogini blessing $100
June 15 – 25 Vajrayogini teaching $300
June 26 Departure  
June 26 – 28 Retreat training $150
  Vajrapani one-month retreat By permission only. Contact us for more information.
  Vajrayogini three-month retreat By permission only. Contact us for more information.

An undertaking of this size and cost is only possible with the generosity of devoted Dharma sponsors.  All those with fortunate means and motivation are invited to share in the great merit of hosting these profound teachings.  In addition to the virtuous karma of being a patron of the Dharma, sponsoring this profound teaching cycle is a very special way to strengthen one’s connection with these profound pith instructions.

Patron – $10,000 – Patrons’ generosity covers the considerable costs of hosting the teachings and providing the noonday meals for lay participants. In appreciation for Patrons’ kindness in making the teaching possible for all, patrons receive special seating in the assembly, dinner with His Holiness the Sakya Trichen, gifts of appreciation, and recognition in signage. Patrons do not need to pay the regular tuition for the program. Patron seating is provided for the patron themselves (and their spouse). Up to two people may join together to become a patron.

Publication Sponsor – $1,500 – Publication sponsors cover the cost of preparing, printing, and distributing the numerous prayers, sadhanas, initiation recitation texts, and other publications distributed during the teaching cycle. Publication sponsors are recognized during the teachings and acknowledged in the publications distributed to the assembly.

In addition, those who wish to sponsor empowerments, daily teachings, meals for the sangha, tea, images, and flowers, please inquire onsite at the registration desk after you arrive.

If you would like to become a sponsor or would like more information about sponsorship, please contact  Thank you!

The temple welcomes those who wish to accumulate merit by offering service to the temple and sangha during their stay. Volunteers may help in various ways, including service of daily tea offerings, cleaning and resetting the shrine room each afternoon, and helping in the kitchen and dining room. A regular commitment of an hour a day is requested from those who wish to become official volunteers. Volunteers will be recognized with appreciation during and at the conclusion of the teachings. The temple does not pay volunteers nor does it offer tuition discounts for volunteering. Please note the jobs with which you would like to help on your registration form.

Please arrange your own housing. A list of local options is available on our website . A forum for students looking to share housing and transportation is available–please see below for more information. We regret that there are no accommodations available at the temple, and camping on the temple grounds is not allowed during the teachings and empowerments.

If you would like to coordinate housing arrangements with other students, this forum is available to use.  To use the forum:

  1. Click on the Google groups button:
  2. Sign into your Google (i.e. Gmail) account, or create one if you don’t already have one
  3. Click on the discussion category “Accommodation: Looking for roommate(s)”
  4. Create a new topic with your request or respond to one of the existing ones to find a roommate

Please arrange your own transportation. A car may be necessary as there is no local public transportation. Please keep in mind that there is limited parking lot space on site, so ride sharing is highly encouraged. If you would like to coordinate rides with other students, the Google Group linked to below is available as a resource.

  1. Click on the Google groups button:
  2. Sign into your Google (i.e. Gmail) account, or create one if you don’t already have one
  3. Click on the discussion category “Transportation: Looking for car ride”
  4. Create a new topic with your request or respond to one of the existing ones to find a roommate

Bring your vajra and bell. Please do not bring audio or video recording equipment as no individual audio or video recording will be allowed. Students wishing to have a copy of the teachings will be able to purchase a professionally recorded copy of the teachings for a reasonable price at the end of the teaching cycle. Also,  please no pets.

Registration Form

If you cannot see the form below, please click here for the registration form.