Become a Member of Tsechen Kunchab Ling
With the blessings and guidance of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen and the help and support of all of our temple members and friends, so much progress has been made since the temple was purchased in 2001 and the groundbreaking for the sanctuary occurred in 2007. Even more progress is underway.

We welcome you as a member of Tsechen Kunchab Ling, the seat of the Sakya Dolma Phodrang in the Americas. As a temple member, you are an official part of His Holiness the Sakya Trichen’s temple Dharma family. Your membership offering makes the daily activities of the temple possible and supports the efforts of Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen and the resident sangha as they strive to carry out His Holiness’ intentions for the growth of the Dharma in the West.
In appreciation for members’ support of the temple, each day, the sangha dedicates our daily prayers and rituals to you and your family’s health, happiness and success. You will be the first to know of coming events and programs. Also, each year on your birthday, the temple will also offer special prayers and candles for you, so please share your birthday with us below!
Welcome to the Tsechen Kunchab Ling Dharma family!
Thank you for your support of the temple and its activities!