Do you love Dharma? Do you feel weary of the endless search for happiness in samsara? If you have ever considered becoming a Buddhist monk or nun, the temple welcomes you to a 10-day residential opportunity to explore the possibility of this virtuous and happy life, dedicated to serving the Dharma and working for the benefit of living beings.

This program has three parts. There is no set charge for the program, but participants are requested to make an offering to the temple according to their ability.

Part 1: Application – Admission is by application only. Applications close December 20, 2023

Criteria for admission are:

  • Having received Buddhist refuge vows.
  • Having received teachings from masters in the Sakya Order.
  • Are not in a committed relationship to a romantic partner.
  • Can attend the entire in-person residential session January 6-15.
  • Make an application to request admission by writing an email to Venerable Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen, Abbot at Please include the following information:
    • Legal name and Dharma name
    • Address, phone, and email.
    • Birthdate and year you received refuge vows.
    • In a few sentences, tell us about your Dharma experience. Who are your primary teachers? What is/are your primary Dharma practice/s?
    • In a few sentences, tell us about your life now. Who do you live with? Are you employed? Retired? How do you spend your days?
    • What seems attractive to you about becoming a monk or nun?
    • What seems worrisome about possibly becoming a monk or nun?

Part #2: Telephone conversation to review your application.

This conversation will help us learn more about your interests and be sure that the program is right for you.  After reviewing your application, we will text you to identify a time for the telephone conversation.

Part #3: Ten-day residential experience at Tsechen Kunchab Ling monastery. Saturday, January 6, 2024, at 4:00 pm to Monday, January 15 at 10:00 am.

Join the monks and nuns at Tsechen Kunchab Ling in exploring the lived experience of monastic life. Bring your dreams, aspirations, worries, and questions. During these ten days, you will pray, study, work, and serve alongside the temple’s sangha, while readings and discussion sessions will explore the deeper meaning and practical details of monastic life.

We rejoice in your virtuous interest in devoting your life to the Dharma path!